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Getting the data

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First analysis steps

Data organisation


The content of the 1dc folder should be as follows:


Instrument Response Functions

The caldb folder contains the instrument response functions that are necessary for the analysis of the simulated CTA data. The folder contains the 1dc response that should be used for the first CTA Data Challenge. Specifically, the following response functions are available:

Response name Site Configuration Zenith Duration
South_z20_50h South Baseline 20 deg 50 hours
South_z40_50h South Baseline 40 deg 50 hours
North_z20_50h North Baseline 20 deg 50 hours
North_z40_50h North Baseline 40 deg 50 hours

Event data

The data folder contains the calibrated, reconstructed and background reduced event data that were procuded for the first CTA Data Challenge and that were stored into FITS files. Event data are split into observations with a fixed pointing direction (observations are also known as runs). The duration of an observation is 25 minutes for the Extragalactic Survey, 30 minutes for the Galactic Plane and Centre surveys, and 15 min for the AGN monitoring program. The properties of the event data for all simulations are summarised in the table below:

Number of observations 3270 1671 1271 3840
Duration of each observation 1800 s 1800 s 1500 s 900 s
Deadtime fraction 2% 2% 2% 2%
Total exposure time of simulation 1635 h 835.5 h 529.58 h 960.00 h
Simulated event energies 30 GeV - 160 TeV 30 GeV - 160 TeV 30 GeV - 160 TeV 30 GeV - 50 TeV
Maximum off-axis angle 5 deg 5 deg 5 deg 5 deg
Start date of observations 2021-01-01 2021-01-01 2021-01-01 2021-01-01
End date of observations 2021-04-18 2021-03-29 2021-02-25 2022-07-09

Each event file contains the events for an observation and comprises an event list and a good time intervals binary table extension (see figure below).


Structure of an event file

The header of the EVENTS table contains information about the observation such as the start and stop date and time, the duration and livetime of the observation, and the pointing direction in Right Ascension and Declination. In addition, the header contains the names and identifiers of the sources that have been simulated (see figure below).


Header of an event list


Only the following header keywords in the EVENTS table have meaningful values:

  • DSTYPx - Data sub-space type
  • DSUNIx - Data sub-space unit
  • DSVALx - Data sub-space value
  • DSREFx - Data sub-space reference
  • NDSKEYS - Number of data sub-space keys
  • NMCIDS - Number of Monte Carlo identifiers
  • MIDxxxxx - Monte Carlo identifier
  • MMNxxxxx - Model name for Monte Carlo identifier
  • OBS_ID - Observation identifier
  • DATE_OBS - start date of observation (UTC)
  • TIME_OBS - start time of observation (UTC)
  • DATE_END - end date of observation (UTC)
  • TIME_END - end time of observation (UTC)
  • TSTART - start time of observation, counted from time reference (s)
  • TSTOP - stop time of observation, counted from time reference (s)
  • MJDREFI - integer part of time reference MJD (days)
  • MJDREFF - fractional part of time reference MJD (days)
  • TIMEUNIT - time unit
  • TIMESYS - time system
  • TIMEREF - time reference
  • TELAPSE - elapsed time (s)
  • ONTIME - exposure time (s)
  • LIVETIME - livetime (s)
  • DEADC - deadtime correction factor, livetime / exposure time
  • TIMEDEL - time resolution
  • RA_PNT - Right Ascension of pointing direction (deg)
  • DEC_PNT - Declination of pointing direction (deg)
  • RADECSYS - Coordinate system
  • EQUINOX - Coordinate epoch

All remaining header keywords have arbitrary values and should not be used for the analysis.

Each row of the EVENTS table corresponds to a single event. Each event is characterised by

Column Meaning Unit
EVENT_ID Event number in file unitless
TIME Time stamp, countered from time reference s
RA Reconstructed Right Ascension deg
DEC Reconstructed Declination deg
ENERGY Reconstructed energy TeV
DETX Reconstructed camera X coordinate deg
DETY Reconstructed camera Y coordinate deg
MC_ID Monte Carlo identifier unitless

An example of an EVENTS table is shown below.


Content of an event list


The time stamps in the TIME column are not necessarily in ascending order.

Observation Definition Files

The files obs_agn_baseline.xml, obs_egal_baseline.xml, obs_gc_baseline.xml, and obs_gps_baseline.xml are so called observation definition files containing the information (or metadata) of a list of observations. The file is a plain ASCII files in XML format that can be inspected and manipulated by any text editor.


The models folder contains the definitions of all source and background models that were used for simulating the data. The files models_agn.xml, models_egal.xml, models_gc.xml and models_gps.xml are so called model definition files collecting the definition of all model components used for the three surveys. Since the same sky model was used for all surveys the four files are identical. The other files in the folder are ASCII and FITS files containing spectral, temporal and spatial information that was used in the simulations.


The ASCII and FITS files should always reside in the same folder as the model definition XML files since the latter reference the former.