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Getting the ctools


ctools is a software package developed for the scientific analysis of Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) data or any other Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescope. ctools comprises a set of ftools-like binary executables, written in C++, with a command-line interface allowing for interactive step-wise data analysis. To start a ctool from the command line, simply type the name of the ctool:

$ ctobssim
RA of pointing (degrees) (0-360) [83.63]

The ctool will query all user parameters and execute. User parameters can also be specified as arguments separated by a whitespace to the ctool:

$ ctobssim ra=83.63 dec=22.01 rad=5.0 tmin=0 tmax=1800 emin=0.1 emax=100.0 caldb=prod2 irf=South_50h inmodel=$CTOOLS/share/models/crab.xml outevents=events.fits

If you need help about the usage of a ctool or a cscript, type the name of the ctool or cscript followed by the --help option:

$ ctobssim --help

ctools includes also a Python module that declares every ctool as a Python class. The following example illustrates the usage:

$ python
>>> import ctools
>>> sim = ctools.ctobssim()
>>> sim["ra"]  = 83.63
>>> sim["dec"] = 22.01
>>> sim.execute()
Radius of FOV (degrees) (0-180) [5.0]

ctools comprise also cscripts, which are Python scripts that have the same user interface as the ctools binaries. cscripts can be started from the command line or used as Python classes, as illustrated below:

$ python
>>> import cscripts
>>> pull = cscripts.cspull()

In this User Manual you will now learn how to install and use the ctools package. If you encounter any problems, please read the Frequently asked questions and Known issues sections. If you’re desperate, you may need Getting Help. And you should read the Develop section if you would like to contribute to the ctools developments.