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Generate energy dispersion cube for a stacked analysis.


This tool generates an energy dispersion cube for a stacked analysis. An energy dispersion cube is a 4-dimensional cube spanned by Right Ascension or Galactic longitude, Declination or Galactic latitude, energy, and migration which is the ratio between reconstructed and true photon energy. The energy binning of the cube may be either linear, logarithmic, or custom defined using an input file

ctedispcube requires on input the event list or observation definition XML file that has been used in the generation of the counts cube using ctbin.

It is not recommended to use the counts cube for the energy dispersion cube definition, although this is formally possible by specifying the counts cube as incube parameter. This leads however to a large FITS file on output since the number of bins in the counts cube will be multiplied by the number of migration (typically 100). Since the energy dispersion varies only little over the field of view of the camera it is recommended to use a rather coarse spatial binning to keep the file size manageable (with a typical value of binsz=1.0).

ctedispcube generates an energy dispersion cube FITS file comprising three extensions. The primary extension contains a 3-dimensional image that contains the energy disperison values. The energy and fraction dimensions of the enrgy dispersion cube are folded into the 3rd dimension of the FITS image. The next extension named ENERGIES contains a binary table that defines the energy values of the energy dispersion cube. The last extension named MIGRAS contains a binary table that defines the migration values of the cube which is the ratio between reconstructed and true photon energy.

General parameters

inobs [file]
Input event list or observation definition XML file.
incube [file]
Input counts cube file to extract energy dispersion cube definition.
caldb [string]
Calibration database.
irf [string]
Instrument response function.
outcube [file]
Output energy dispersion cube file.
ebinalg <FILE|LIN|LOG> [string]
Algorithm for defining energy bins.
emin [real]
Lower energy value for first energy bin (in TeV).
emax [real]
Upper energy value for last energy bin (in TeV).
enumbins [integer]
Number of energy bins.
ebinfile [file]
Name of the file containing the energy bin definition.
(usepnt = no) [boolean]
Use CTA pointing direction for cube centre instead of xref/yref parameters?
nxpix [integer]
Number of cube bins in Right Ascension or Galactic longitude.
nypix [integer]
Number of cube bins in Declination or Galactic latitude.
binsz [real]
Cube bin size (in degrees/pixel).
coordsys <CEL|GAL> [string]
Coordinate system (CEL - celestial, GAL - galactic).
xref [real]
Right Ascension / Galactic longitude of cube centre (J2000, in degrees).
yref [real]
Declination / Galactic latitude of cube centre (J2000, in degrees).
proj <AIT|AZP|CAR|MER|MOL|STG|TAN> [string]
Projection method.
(migramax = 2.0) [real]
Upper bound of ratio between reconstructed and true photon energy.
(migrabins = 100) [integer]
Number of migration bins.

Standard parameters

(chatter = 2) [integer]
Verbosity of the executable:

chatter = 0: no information will be logged

chatter = 1: only errors will be logged

chatter = 2: errors and actions will be logged

chatter = 3: report about the task execution

chatter = 4: detailed report about the task execution

(clobber = yes) [boolean]
Specifies whether an existing output energy dispersion cube file should be overwritten.
(debug = no) [boolean]
Enables debug mode. In debug mode the executable will dump any log file output to the console.
(mode = ql) [string]
Mode of automatic parameters (default is “ql”, i.e. “query and learn”).
(logfile = ctedispcube.log) [string]
Name of log file.