34#define CTBIN_NAME "ctbin"
73 explicit ctbin(
const GObservations&
74 ctbin(
int argc,
char *argv[]);
84 int cubes(
85 const GCTAEventCube&
const int& index = 0)
87 void publish(
const std::string& name =
97 void fill_cube(
const GCTAObservation*
obs, GSkyMap& counts);
GSkyMap create_cube(const GCTAObservation *obs)
Create counts cube sky map for current observation.
void set_weights(const GCTAObservation *obs, GSkyMap &weights)
Set counts cube weights for a given observation.
GEbounds m_ebounds
Energy boundaries.
void process(void)
Process the event binning tool.
GGti m_gti
Stacked Good time intervals.
std::string m_prefix
Prefix for multiple cubes.
void obs_cube_stacked(void)
Create output observation container.
ctbin & operator=(const ctbin &app)
Assignment operator.
void fill_cube(const GCTAObservation *obs, GSkyMap &counts)
Fill events into counts cube.
GSkyDir m_mean_pnt
Mean pointing.
std::vector< GSkyMap > m_weights
List of event cube weights.
void init_sky_dir_cache(void)
Initialise sky direction cache for cube stack.
Void constructor.
std::vector< GSkyMap > m_counts
List of event cube counts.
void get_parameters(void)
Get application parameters.
void clear(void)
Clear event binning tool.
std::vector< GCTAEventCube > m_cubes
Event cubes.
double m_livetime
Total livetime.
bool m_publish
Publish counts cube?
virtual ~ctbin(void)
double m_ontime
Total ontime.
bool m_stack
Output one stacked cube or multiple cubes.
void copy_members(const ctbin &app)
Copy class members.
void free_members(void)
Delete class members.
const GCTAEventCube & cube(const int &index=0) const
Return event cube at index.
void save(void)
Save counts cube.
GChatter m_chatter
int cubes(void) const
Return number of event cubes.
std::vector< GSkyDir > m_dirs
Cached GSkyDir for all pixels.
void init_members(void)
Initialise class members.
void publish(const std::string &name="")
Publish counts cube.
Base class for observation tools.
const GObservations & obs(void) const
Return observation container.
Observation tool base class interface definition.