ctools 2.1.0.dev
This is the complete list of members for ctbutterfly, including all inherited members.
butterfly(void) const | ctbutterfly | inline |
check_model(void) | ctbutterfly | protected |
clear(void) | ctbutterfly | virtual |
copy_members(const ctbutterfly &app) | ctbutterfly | protected |
ctlikelihood::copy_members(const ctlikelihood &app) | ctlikelihood | protected |
ctobservation::copy_members(const ctobservation &app) | ctobservation | protected |
ctool::copy_members(const ctool &app) | ctool | protected |
create_cta_obs(void) | ctool | protected |
create_cube(const GObservations &obs) | ctool | protected |
create_ebounds(void) | ctool | protected |
create_energies(void) | ctool | protected |
create_fits(void) | ctbutterfly | protected |
create_map(const GObservations &obs) | ctool | protected |
ctbutterfly(void) | ctbutterfly | |
ctbutterfly(const GObservations &obs) | ctbutterfly | explicit |
ctbutterfly(int argc, char *argv[]) | ctbutterfly | |
ctbutterfly(const ctbutterfly &app) | ctbutterfly | |
ctlikelihood(const std::string &name, const std::string &version) | ctlikelihood | |
ctlikelihood(const std::string &name, const std::string &version, const GApplicationPars &pars) | ctlikelihood | |
ctlikelihood(const std::string &name, const std::string &version, int argc, char *argv[]) | ctlikelihood | |
ctlikelihood(const std::string &name, const std::string &version, const GObservations &obs) | ctlikelihood | |
ctlikelihood(const ctlikelihood &app) | ctlikelihood | |
ctobservation(const std::string &name, const std::string &version) | ctobservation | |
ctobservation(const std::string &name, const std::string &version, const GApplicationPars &pars) | ctobservation | |
ctobservation(const std::string &name, const std::string &version, int argc, char *argv[]) | ctobservation | |
ctobservation(const std::string &name, const std::string &version, const GObservations &obs) | ctobservation | |
ctobservation(const ctobservation &app) | ctobservation | |
ctool(const std::string &name, const std::string &version) | ctool | |
ctool(const std::string &name, const std::string &version, const GApplicationPars &pars) | ctool | |
ctool(const std::string &name, const std::string &version, int argc, char *argv[]) | ctool | |
ctool(const ctool &app) | ctool | |
cube_layer_usage(const GEbounds &cube_ebounds, const GEbounds &list_ebounds) const | ctool | protected |
eigenvectors(const double &a, const double &b, const double &c, const double &d, double *lambda1, double *lambda2, GVector *vector1, GVector *vector2) | ctbutterfly | protected |
ellipsoid_boundary(GModels &models) | ctbutterfly | protected |
evaluate(GModelPar &par, const double &value) | ctlikelihood | protected |
execute(void) | ctool | virtual |
first_unbinned_observation(void) | ctobservation | inlineprotected |
first_unbinned_observation(void) const | ctobservation | protected |
free_members(void) | ctbutterfly | protected |
gaussian_error_propagation(GModels &models) | ctbutterfly | protected |
get_current_rss(void) | ctool | protected |
get_ebounds(void) | ctool | protected |
get_gti(const GTimeReference &ref) | ctool | protected |
get_gtiname(const std::string &filename, const std::string &evtname) const | ctool | protected |
get_mean_pointing(const GObservations &obs) | ctool | protected |
get_obs_header(const GObservation *obs) const | ctool | protected |
get_observations(const bool &get_response=true) | ctool | protected |
get_parameters(void) | ctbutterfly | protected |
get_pointing(void) | ctool | protected |
get_roi(const GCTAPointing &pnt=GCTAPointing()) | ctool | protected |
get_skydir(void) | ctool | protected |
init_members(void) | ctbutterfly | protected |
insert_energy_boundaries(const GEnergies &energies, const GCTAObservation &obs) | ctool | protected |
is_onoff(void) | ctool | protected |
is_stacked(void) | ctool | protected |
log_models(const GChatter &chatter, const GModels &models, const std::string &what="Model") | ctool | protected |
log_observations(const GChatter &chatter, const GObservations &obs, const std::string &what="Observation") | ctool | protected |
log_parameters(const GChatter &chatter) | ctool | protected |
m_apply_edisp | ctbutterfly | protected |
m_chatter | ctbutterfly | protected |
m_confidence | ctbutterfly | protected |
m_covariance | ctbutterfly | protected |
m_ebounds | ctbutterfly | protected |
m_energies | ctbutterfly | protected |
m_fit | ctbutterfly | protected |
m_fits | ctbutterfly | protected |
m_index_unbinned | ctobservation | mutableprivate |
m_intensities | ctbutterfly | protected |
m_max_intensities | ctbutterfly | protected |
m_max_iter | ctbutterfly | protected |
m_method | ctbutterfly | protected |
m_min_intensities | ctbutterfly | protected |
m_obs | ctobservation | protected |
m_ogip_exposure | ctobservation | mutableprivate |
m_ogip_livetime | ctobservation | mutableprivate |
m_ogip_ontime | ctobservation | mutableprivate |
m_ogip_telapse | ctobservation | mutableprivate |
m_ogip_telescope | ctobservation | mutableprivate |
m_ogip_tstart | ctobservation | mutableprivate |
m_ogip_tstop | ctobservation | mutableprivate |
m_opt | ctlikelihood | protected |
m_outfile | ctbutterfly | protected |
m_read_ahead | ctool | protected |
m_srcname | ctbutterfly | protected |
m_use_xml | ctool | protected |
next_unbinned_observation(void) | ctobservation | inlineprotected |
next_unbinned_observation(void) const | ctobservation | protected |
obs(const GObservations &obs) | ctobservation | inline |
obs(void) const | ctobservation | inline |
operator=(const ctbutterfly &app) | ctbutterfly | |
ctlikelihood::operator=(const ctlikelihood &app) | ctlikelihood | |
ctobservation::operator=(const ctobservation &app) | ctobservation | |
ctool::operator=(const ctool &app) | ctool | |
opt(const GOptimizer *opt) | ctlikelihood | |
opt(void) const | ctlikelihood | inline |
process(void) | ctbutterfly | virtual |
provide_help(void) const | ctool | protected |
read_ahead(void) const | ctool | inlineprotected |
read_ogip_keywords(GFitsHDU *hdu) const | ctobservation | protected |
require_inobs(const std::string &method) | ctool | protected |
require_inobs_nocube(const std::string &method) | ctool | protected |
require_inobs_nolist(const std::string &method) | ctool | protected |
restore_edisp(GObservations &obs, const std::vector< bool > &edisp) const | ctool | protected |
run(void) | ctool | virtual |
save(void) | ctbutterfly | virtual |
save_event_list(const GCTAObservation *obs, const std::string &infile, const std::string &evtname, const std::string >iname, const std::string &outfile) const | ctool | protected |
save_events_fits(void) | ctobservation | protected |
save_events_xml(void) | ctobservation | protected |
set_edisp(GObservations &obs, const bool &edisp) const | ctool | protected |
set_obs_bounds() | ctobservation | protected |
set_obs_response(GCTAObservation *obs) | ctool | protected |
set_obs_statistic(const std::string &statistic) | ctobservation | protected |
set_outfile_name(const std::string &filename) | ctool | protected |
set_response(GObservations &obs) | ctool | protected |
setup_models(GObservations &obs, const std::string &name="") | ctool | protected |
setup_observations(GObservations &obs, const bool &response=true, const bool &list=true, const bool &cube=true) | ctool | protected |
sync_pfiles(void) | ctool | protected |
warn_too_few_energies(const GEnergies &energies) const | ctool | protected |
warn_xml_suffix(const GFilename &filename) const | ctool | protected |
write_ogip_keywords(GFitsHDU *hdu) const | ctobservation | protected |
~ctbutterfly(void) | ctbutterfly | virtual |
~ctlikelihood(void) | ctlikelihood | virtual |
~ctobservation(void) | ctobservation | virtual |
~ctool(void) | ctool | virtual |